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Message from the Chairman


Dear SVAJAN members,


May this year keep you in the best of health and bring your aspirations to fruition.


As members of SVAJAN, our goal this year will be to give back to our community by doing various events that bring us together throughout the year.


I invite you to recommit to SVAJAN's values so we may continue to grow and prosper. I look forward to meeting and working closely with you. A strong and vibrant SVAJAN is in our future; one that we and our children will be proud to call our own.

SVAJAN was the brainchild of a visionary and skilled group of pioneers who saw the need and value of bringing the Vaishnav communities together and carrying forward our way of life. They have entrusted me with the responsibility of carrying out our mission, and I am honored to serve among them.


My first responsibility is to all of you, who make our community strong for ourselves and for those around us. Our charter is to transform SVAJAN into a thriving non-profit organization that supports charitable and humanitarian causes, while encouraging the youth of our community and imbibing them with the values our forefathers have gifted us.


As the president of SVAJAN, I am grateful to those who have built this organization through their commitment and dedication:

  • The Board of Trustees, who have given us a strong foundation to build upon

  • The sponsors of SVAJAN, who help our organization thrive year after year through their generous financial support and resources, and

  • The Executive Committee, who handle our daily affairs, organize events year-round and keep the heart of SVAJAN beating

With our new initiatives and activities every year, this is an exciting time to be part of SVAJAN. I encourage you to volunteer at one or two of our events every year. Even a little bit of your time, energy and ideas helps moving forward. To be candid, SVAJAN is incomplete without your participation.

Let's make SVAJAN beat strong together!


Nalin Shah

Chairman, SVAJAN

Jai Shree Krishna!

copyright @ 2007-2020 SVAJAN

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